Michele Paradise
As a relationship healer and therapist, I believe the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.
When I started my healing journey many years ago I felt very alone and misunderstood. I stumbled upon a community of like-minded people that taught me so much about self-compassion, self-healing and post-traumatic growth. I learned that healing is so much more powerful and effective in a community, where you have support, guidance and people who are experiencing similar issues to your own.
I have studied, trained and worked with some of the best in the field of self-development and healing, including Dr Richard Bandler, co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP); Paul McKenna, certified hynotherapy trainer; Dr Ronald Ruden, creator of the Havening Techniques; Dr Gabor Maté, trainer in Compassionate Enquiry; as well as Deepak Chopra.
- Is your lack of confidence holding you back in your work life and relationships?
- Does your relationship have unnecessary conflict or misunderstandings that leaves you feeling exhausted and confused?
- Are you ever kept awake at night by stressful thoughts over your relationship, financial situation, career or your health?
- Do you bottle up emotions?
- Do you feel like your partner doesn't hear you or respect you in the way you deserve?
- Do you say "Yes" when you really want to say "No"
- Did you experience emotional pain as a child that you haven't worked through?
- Does imposter syndrome and feeling "not good enough" hold you back in your career?
- Is your relationship taking a toll on your mental health?
- Do you ever get a lump in your throat when trying to express your feelings and set a boundary?
- Do you feel stuck in a pattern within your relationship and family?
The truth is -
We all experience levels of this in our daily lives.
The behaviors and the ways of thinking that make us who we are TODAY are based on past traumas, experiences and childhood survival mechanisms.
When we don't heal these, we hold onto patterns, behaviors, and ways of thinking that no longer serve us.
In order to unlock our own power for deeper joy, greater love, freedom in our choices and the confidence to ask for what we truly desire,
We have to face ourselves and begin the process of self-healing.
This is a self-paced self-healing course complete with educational video modules, actionable activities and downloadable resources.
You will learn how to:
- gain emotional awareness of your thoughts, patterns and behaviours
- meet, accept and connect with your inner child
- find freedom from the modes of thinking and being that have served you in the past, but are now holding you back
- set boundaries that serve and honor your needs
- and ultimately transform your life for the better through self-healing
Example Curriculum
- Recognise that 95% of our day we are unconsciously making decisions (14:07)
- Learn how to be present in the moment with your emotions (20:47)
- Learn how to become aware of when you need to set boundaries. (17:16)
- How to compassionately communicate with people who activate you (25:09)
- Consciousness Resources